
Find Your Image Impact Score

Know definitively if you currently portray the power and presence that helps people trust you enough to buy from you and buy into you.

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Question 1 of 9

I know, live and work from a defined personal brand & purpose statement.


No, I don't have one.


Yes and it includes my gifts, talents, strengths, expertise and who I serve for no matter what role I play.

Question 2 of 9

I know the top 3 values of my ideal audience (potential clients/customers or upper management) and can choose items from my wardrobe to wear that communicate those values. 


No. I didn't even know I could learn to do that.


Yes. I wear specific items that communicate the values of my ideal audience every time I meet/see them.

Question 3 of 9

I know my appearance (dressing style and grooming) is critical to my image and I can name the 2 other vital areas that work to communicate about my credibility and authority. They are:


brand & communication


behavior & communication


brand & confidence

Question 4 of 9

The overall feelings I have when I think about presenting myself and getting dressed from my current wardrobe is:


Frequently Frustrated, Hoping It's Right, Overwhelmed.


Powerfully Purposeful, Strategically Expressive, Confident.

Question 5 of 9

I have a specific process for choosing and creating an expressive, appropriate outfit that helps me get dressed confidently in 5 minutes or less.


OMG, No. I wish!


Yes! Five minutes is all it takes me and it feels great!

Question 6 of 9

When I need to shop for new items for my wardrobe, I use:


No tools or frameworks. I just buy what I like and what I think and hope fits.


Advice from my pinterest board, inspiration from my favorite style blogger or my best shopping buddy.


A professionally curated personalized color palette, knowledge of my 16 body shape and proportion measurements, my ability to read items for the values of my personal style story.

Question 7 of 9

Are you secretly worried that your ideal audience does not "see" you or your ideas that would open you up to greater advancement, reach and opportunity?


Yes. I know this to be true. I've been told or experienced it.


Yes. I have no proof, but believe it to be true since I'm not achieving as much or moving as fast as I expected.


No. I know I'm getting every opportunity I want and deserve.

Question 8 of 9

I see the parallel of how big brands like Nike market their products and how I could market my own personal brand successfully with strategies they use.


Yes. I want to be able to market myself in the best way to attract and connect with the right people.


Not sure. I guess there may be a connection between the two.

Question 9 of 9

Be very honest with yourself, Gal. Has this statement crossed your mind about needing and wanting to stand out for your goals...

"If I put myself out there, I'm afraid to be judged incorrectly and passed-over because of it."


Afraid to admit it but, yes.


On occasion, yes.


No! I'm 100% confident with who I am and what I offer and am getting great results.

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