Be "Too Much" For Others To Handle
Nov 06, 2017
One thing I hear from women when I talk to them about creating an image that helps them stand out is…”I just don’t want to come off as TOO MUCH.”
I get it. We’ve been told somewhere along the line…
“No one likes a show-off.”
“Don’t be boastful.”
“You’re not more special than anyone else.”
I beg to differ - actually….
Who are you NOT to show up as the best version of yourself?
Who are you NOT to celebrate your successes and use those past successes to create your future by helping others?
Who are you NOT to see yourself - not as more special than anyone else - but as completely unique and in that uniqueness is a value needing to be showcased?
It’s all a question of perspective.
Your image. How you see your self through the mirror everyday sets your perspective to create success. It influences:
- How you feel about yourself deep down - Do you feel worthy of success?
How you feel about your best qualities - Can you name 5 character virtues responsible for your happiness right now? - How you feel about what you are creating in your life - Do you have your biggest dreams mapped out by the feeling you’ll achieve when you win them?
How you teach people how to treat you - What is non-negotiable for you to have people in your life? - Gal. Without all of those, you stay stuck in a mindset of not "coming off as too much" and in doing so, create nothing of what you want.
How long is too long before you make the life-altering shift?