Why Fashion Tips Won't Help You
May 28, 2017
What are fashion tips anyway? Advice on how to wear something? Advice on what "thing to put together?" Suggestions on how to "find your style?"
Yes. Those are fashion tips. Have you noticed that I don't give you a bunch of those?
Here's why....
In isolation, they don't work. 👎🏾
Here's an example, if I told you "Wear stripes. They are in this season." Without a defined and empowered sense of personal style clarity and wardrobe confidence, you won't know:
:: what color those stripes should be to not overpower your face
:: what contrast level those stripes should be to not throw off the balance of your outfit
:: where to place the stripes on your body to create a balance and proportion that makes you look 10lbs slimmer
...nor would you feel unquestionably confident shopping for stripes because you know exactly which to choose.
Can you see that generic "fashion tips" do more harm than good for your wardrobe, for your style and your confidence? In isolation, they create more confusion for you, extra money wasted and an inconsistent image presence that communicates just that to others - confusion and inconsistency.
The solution? Knowing explicitly, precisely and definitively your individual features so you can apply them to a set of style principles in expression and wardrobe building that stay with you forever. It's what I do every day with my HUE+Style process. You can say bye-bye to aimless trend shopping, and say hello to total image communication and confidence.
Mastering image confidence is far more than fashion.... learn more from the Authentic Style series and learn from me how this really works and how you can shift your entire mindset by getting dressed in confidence.