Be Your Own Prism.
Apr 12, 2022
Evolving always feels weird.
In the past couple of years, we've all shifted what we knew to be true about everything in ourselves and our lives, and for the growth-focused folks out there, it's very typical that the idea of going back to who you were, what you did and how you did it before seems foreign.
This discomfort is a signal. (Actually, all discomfort is a signal.) It's telling you something...
Time to tune into yourself.
Time to use your creativity and self-discovery to reveal what's next. I love the symbolism of a prism because it takes one stream of light and breaks it into its individual parts.
Learn to be your own prism.
There is so much more to you, but everyone needs a process always to see, accept, appreciate and use those parts in their most fulfilling way.
Time to bend your light where you see more on the inside to show more on the outside.
Today, how are you bending your light to see your evolution?

- Finding new self-love is the key to new confidence. LISTEN TO MY ADVICE ON THIS PODCAST EPISODE.