2021 Pantone Color of The Year: Ultimate Grey + Illuminating
Dec 10, 2020
Pantone, the color authority, has released two selections for their Color Of The Year 2021 though, in my books, Ultimate Grey is a value so that means I'm always more focused on the sunny, bright hue called Illuminating.
Pantone describes the combination as "a story of color that encapsulates deeper feelings of thoughtfulness with the promise of something sunny and friendly."
Standing in my own Hue and Style® Universe with a method of connecting color psychology to personal values expression, here's my take:
From the three tiers of aspirational color influence, I teach my clients, this particular
combination of a light grey and light yellow offers us some pleasing ease in what feels like a rough world. Of the five influencing outcomes in Hue and Style® Color Power psychology, Ultimate Grey communicates welcoming stability to Illuminating's "gentle assertiveness."
"This energetic color communication combination is an opportunity to assert an optimistic leadership intention centered around clarity, transparency, optimism & collaborative stability." ~MCG

All hues are not perfect for all skin tones. Every hue has characteristics that either harmonize with your natural features or that compete with them.
Ultimate Grey is a rare neutral grey. Of the 12 seasonal palettes of color, I use to find perfect harmony for my clients, Ultimate Grey can be worn by every single palette because of its balance in value and hue saturation. The reason lies in the science behind this neutral value. Its universal appeal lies in its neutral balance between coolness and warmth, lightness and depth, and saturation, helping it to strike harmony for all skin tones.
Illuminating is more suited to complexions that favor Lightness, Brightness, and Warmth. Seasons dominant in Deepness, Mutedness, and Coolness are best to keep this color out of the "hot zone" near the face.
Illumination is a hue of joy and optimism and reflects our collective need for uplifting influences at this pivotal time in human history.
It encourages us to act with intention and decisiveness that bridge gaps in knowledge, understanding, and human capacity.
I see a "power in potential" message in this 2021 hue selection.
Now, my image consultant, color expert and confidence coach challenge to you:
Instead of just "wearing" this color, how will you use its message to expand your voice? How will you use it with deeper intent; to offer new clarity and bridge new understanding to lead - be it in your business, your organization, or your community?
Not sure how? Not sure if you can wear it or if it's right for you? That's my expertise.
Combining personalized color, the use of color psychology for influence, and values-filled style as part of a complete image strategy will amplify your visibility authentically. If you're ready for that kind of superpower to make your next impact, find out how I can help you put all the pieces together here.
If you'd like to join me for the month of December, I'd love to have you. I'll be blogging here so you can bookmark this 2020 reflection blog tag to read all the posts and if you want, find me on IG.