Show Up Confident

Get the skills, strategies, tools and support you need to step into a new season of confidence & success.

The definition of success is different for each of us.

Still, the three fundamentals you must have to enjoy fulfillment in growing your business, changing your career, improving your wellness or strengthening your relationships are the same -  clear purpose, strong confidence and a strategic self-presentation.

The strength of this combination either fuels or stalls whatever you want to have or create next in your life.

The alignment of you this formula also determines if you are seen or invisible to those who help you achieve whatever success definition you seek.

The question to ask yourself is where do you wish to start?

The most driven, confident, and fulfilled achievers combine and use (what I've coined) "image-confidence" to steer their daily purpose, personal brand image, dressing style, goals, legacy and happiness.

Let's be clear. We've all heard it.

Everyone says "show up as your best self."

But what inspiring post or viral battle cry told how to actually do it?

Know This…
the answer to how to live and showcase the truest, most-confident version of yourself lies in how you see yourself in the mirror each day.

Know This Too…

Neither strong confidence nor strategic self-presentation happens by accident, happenstance, style tips, tiktok hacks, or one-off personal brand tricks. These must come together with a strategy!

Studies show that you can change your mood, motivation, and performance using the symbolism of what you wear.

Replace your old idea of "clothes-only, fads-driven" dressing style and activate powerful & proven new self-worth the moment you put on your new Hue and Style® ensemble.


Simplify preparing yourself every day anchored with clear intention and fearlessly motivated by a visual image that mirrors a new optimistic style of life guided by grounding purpose!


Integrate every color, garment and accessory using the research-backed science of dressing that boosts your courage, boldness, focus and performance. At the same time, it makes you more memorable, persuasive and visible to your audience.


Boost the impact of your total self-presentation into more than just frivolous fashion hacks and transform into a magnet for new opportunities.



Stop the frustration of figuring out how to stand out the right way with a new powerful presence that comes when you know yourself deeply, define your mission clearly, believe in your importance undoubtedly and show up with confidence unapologetically.

I'm Michele!

I'm your new color-powered confidence transformer.  I'm ready to teach, coach, and mentor you toward your desired life using every bit of my almost 30 years of confidence-building industry experience.

This is about clothes - but so much more!

Gain the timeless tools, techniques and frameworks that help you present yourself for every season of your life. 

Tap Into The Style Secret That 99.9% of Women Don't Know!


Simplify an outer image that gets you the right kind of attention for your goals attacting your dearest held values, clarified purpose and evolved self-expression so that every day you get dressed every piece you put on becomes a symbolic self-affirmation, and love letter to your beautiful, growing, evolving self. Not to mention a visual commercial for your greatness!

No matter what your age, stage or role, you gain a quiet confidence that boosts your reputation, credibility and authority.

Transform every way you get ready for your day into a magnet

to sell more, advance faster, influence wider & lead stronger!

Inside mentorship, you will learn how to be: 


to present yourself and your excellence with unshakable confidence in every way that matters - from the inside out.


of the greatness you offer making you top-of-the-mind memorable and seen as an expert in your niche.


to your ideal clients, potential customers, collaborations and new opportunities that advance your goals.


of outside judgement because you are committed to living out your unique message and mission with purpose-filled urgency.


and an example to those your change teaching them how to invest in and trust their own journey to more confidence.


and eager to get up and dressed every day knowing it sparks your conscious mind and giving heart into fulfilling action. 

In this expert-guided mentorship experience, you'll enjoy:

An Invaluable Purpose Statement

Create an awe-inspiring new definition of your life's purpose that will give you goosebumps and drive your motivation to show up for every part of your life with ease and enthusiasm.

Over 25 Expert-Led Lesson Modules

  • Unlock the one-of-a-kind framework for using the art of self-presentation, the science of confidence, and the psychology of influence to accelerate your purpose, performance, and personal brand.
  • Receive your personalized Hue And Style® Color Power palette of hues and tailored training to use them to change your motivation, communicate your values, and persuade others to take action using Michele's exclusive Hue and Style® Color Influence color psychology system.
  • Cultivate a completely aligned personal style no matter your shape, size, stage or age, by combining the values of your purpose statement with the communication psychology of your Hue And Style® Personal Style Story profile, Color Power color palette and Dress In Confidence™ mindset training to communicate your most authentic self in any room, situation, or opportunity.
  • Unify your personal brand presence using Hue And Style® Power Presence Audit that aligns your non-verbal body language, social profile picture first impression, every photo shoot, LinkedIn visibility strategy, resume writing & interview impact, media appearance image & business pitch preparation.

Live Q&A Mentorship Sessions

  • Enjoy Michele's tailored, personalized and expert recommendations for your maximum impact. Leave the cookie-cutter, generic style, fashion, "build your brand" tips behind forever and finally learn what is precisely right for your purpose, body, age, life stage, goals and happiness from your very own image & confidence expert.
  • Polish your entire presence to attract premium, high-value people with Michele's insider lessons on the new "authenticity communicators" needed in today's skeptical, crowded, and attention-seeking world that build relationships, credibility, and reputation for your business, career, team, or personal life.
  • Simplify your confidence & visibility strategy with Michele's proven performance habits to accelerate your fulfillment & happiness while you achieve your ambitions, whether it be to do more, make more, change more, or impact more.

Lifetime Elite Community Membership

  • Tap into the power of women committed to showing up and receiving peer support, plus Michele's exclusive seasonal Color and Image Reports full of expert advice to update your image, confidence and visibility - year after year. And let's not gloss over you enjoying... 

Award-winning Life-Coaching As You Learn To:

  • Always know exactly what to wear daily (from Zoom room to boardroom, on or offline) to stand out as an expert with presence.
  • Effortlessly get dressed in 5 minutes or less every single day without second-guessing yourself - ever.
  • Truly, finally, and actually love your body no matter your age, stage, shape, weight, or condition, and honor it with how you adorn it.
  • Forever evolve your style, self-presentation, and every piece of your personal brand when you shift using proven Hue and Style® tools and permanently flexible frameworks.

This is for the woman eager & excited to connect to herself so she can attract her next season of success!

Still wondering if mastering your image is right for your goals?


Learn To

Develop A "Competitionless" & Confident Personal Brand Style!

Transform every interaction, appearance and visibility strategy with this my expert formula.  

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • The fastest way to reinvent your relevance and stand out in a noisy, crowded, uncertain landscape after any personal change and transition.
  • The biggest reason you feel invisible and how to bust out of it even if you've tried countless trendy social media hacks, generic style tips, or oversimplified visibility tricks "to put yourself or your business out there"! 
  • The visibility-transforming strategy that top performers practice every day that helps you define new confidence and project a personal brand that communicates high-value as a go-to expert in their niche. 
  • The proven secret to combining your confidence with your style that no regular "stylist" is teaching and that strengthens your ability to present yourself with law-of-attraction-activating intention that changes mood, motivation and performance.
  • The #1 attention-getting quality to strengthen right now that doesn't involve a social media hack that will turn what you normally do to share your excellence into a lasting genuine commercial for who you and what you do.

The women who come through Mastering Image Confidence

own their new confidence, conviction,  and presence and all influence their kids, families, teams and communities.  

My clients are women of power quietly & confidently changing the world as
  • driven online entrepreneurs,
  • financial and legal service professionals,
  • industry-leading financial consultants,
  • recognized makers and fine artists,
  • gifted intuitive healers,
  • creative practitioners and expanding interior designers,
  • Ph.D. thought-leaders in academia,
  • global non-profit organization executive directors,
  • principled C-suite executives,
  • award-winning small business owners,
  • senior-level department leaders in education and medicine,
  • mental health and wellness teachers
  • diversity and inclusion champions,
  • best-selling authors,
  • international speakers,
  • intentional mothers leading the next generation.

Which are you?

Give Yourself Permission To Grow And

Here's What's Possible For You Too!


Jumpstart Your Day Full of Confidence To Walk Into Any Room!


Listen to Kim share how wearing her Hue and Style® made changed how she started her day ready to get results!

~ Kim T., Creative Marketing Company Owner, Alberta, Canada

Think Color Can't Possibly Power Your Confidence?


Listen to Stacè share how using Hue and Style® color psychology with her personalized palette and purpose mission statement changed her daily motivation to show up which shifted her self-love and belief to be present & ready for anything. (Plus, she has a message for you too!)

Stacè  M., Diversity/Inclusion Executive & Coach, New York, USA

Let's Meet!

Here are six ways to know if you'll get massive value from our call!

  • Deep down, you are a soft heart and crave to truly be yourself while you help and lead others.
  • You love a personal growth journey but want to have lasting tools that keep you accountable for a life-long process of self-discovery.
  • You are excellent at what you do and already create great results for people. You'd simply love to make how you present yourself 100% match your purpose for that excellence.
  • You know you've changed in a big way in the last 1-2 years and long to get clear on what's next for you and then have the courage to go after it.
  • You know that Hue And Style® dressing is about clothes but so much more and you'd love to be able to wield Michele's secret power of image-confidence more than learning typical "fashion-only focused" style.
  • You love a high-touch, close relationship learning environment with your expert more than being in a jam-packed, instructor-style course with little-to-no tailored advice or personal interaction.

Enjoy What Happens When You Change The Reason You Get Dressed!


Listen to Yvette explain the way using Hue and Style®  changed every part of her life and what she needed to get over to make it permanent! 

~ Yvette M., Software Project Team Manager & Entrepreneur, Florida, USA

How Do You Increase Visibility And Courage To Show Up?


Listen to Stephanie share how wearing her Hue and Style® made showing up easier, faster, more fun, more powerful and to her invaluable to her business.

~ Stephanie D., Lawyer & Mediator, Alberta, Canada

While You Change Your Clothes, Let's Change Your Life?


Listen to Adria's powerful advice - about reinventing your relevance right now .

~ Adria J., Award-winning TV & Film Producer, Toronto, CAN



Once you enter my mentorship program and learn to master your complete personal brand and confidence skills to show up, you are in my universe and qualify to enter my inner circle full of continuing life coaching & self-mastery mentorship, business marketing, sales development and content communication strategies. Imagine a 30+ year, multi-six-figure expert's entrepreneurial advice, a cheering section, accountability community and deeper healing mentorship to set your goals on fire!



Let's jump in!

I can't wait to meet you!

Start with an Image-Confidence Potential Call with Michele.  This session is free for the woman ready to make her biggest confidence shift and prepare to show up for ANYTHING. 


There is no risk in discovering your potential because your first session is free. Give yourself the chance to see what's possible when you change how you see yourself in every way.

My only job on the call is to hear your dreams and obstacles and find the brilliant potential in your biggest aims. I'll reveal the confidence roadblocks to remove and show you what next steps will take you to your desires once you how to be present, purposeful and visible for your desires. If we have a fit and you'd like me to help you get there, I'll share the easiest way to invest in yourself and how my full program works. I keep the entire enrolment process super simple.


That's It.

I'll meet you on the call?