The Most Beautiful Way To See Yourself Differently

aboutmichele confidence personalgrowth selflove Mar 09, 2019


The most beautiful way to see yourself differently through the eyes of another who believes in you. Here is what happened to me.

In the last weeks, I’ve felt some old demons arise. I am not immune. I have dips too. Gratefully, I have a rock-solid way to turn the dip into a climb.

The cycle of dip-climb-soar happens over and over for everyone. No one can avoid it, but the most successful and fulfilled people have a way to turn feelings into understanding, understanding into resolve and resolve into action. It means you fold in and take time to see what life is teaching you. It means going quiet. It means stepping out of the noise to listen in the quiet of your own path.

We have a very particular kind of process in the #HueandStyle confidence mindset universe to reverse the dips. I’ve been working my process, and I always know I’ve turned my dip (“yellow to blue to green” reference for my GoalStyling clients) around when beautiful things begin happening again.

Yesterday on International Women’s Day, my client-turned-friend delivered this piece she had commissioned especially for me. It’s called “Wings of Love: Empowerment” by the supremely talented Michelle Lake.

What my friend couldn’t have known is that she was right on time. Just when I needed the last shot of healing out of my dip, she arrived with this reminder of goodness.

I smiled when I saw it and then bawled when I began to read it.

Every detail, every brushstroke, word, caption, reference, placement, and color expresses my entire life. I couldn’t believe how my dear friend sees me and then how powerfully Michelle interpreted everything about me (not just my work or my outsides - but me on the inside) using her unique expression.

It’s more me than I’ve seen myself at times and sometimes that’s just what we all need. To be seen and shown ourselves and greatness through the eyes of another who has your best interest in their heart. It’s powerful, it’s self-awe-inspiring and I see again - this what I do for others. Thank you to my dear friend and Michelle Lake (Lloydminster Artist) I am still vibrating and soaking up its magic. Dip passed. Climb done. Time to soar.