A Journey To Surprising Confidence with Courtney [PODCAST]
Sep 24, 2019
To celebrate the beginning of Season 2 of the Confidence Shift Podcast, I invited to one of my clients to join my Confidence Shift Conversations. Courtney, who went from a woman hiding in the background with her gift to help others to an on-purpose disciplined change-maker owning how she leads by example and using it to lift others.
We dove into her inspiring story of how she found eye-opening confidence in my Hue and Style image confidence program, what shocked her most to learn about how dressing unintentionally was reflecting her deepest negative self-beliefs, and how those belief were keeping her in depression from loving herself more and from fully stepping into the role of an intentional mother, and a leader to others in business.
Courtney shared:
How you “can turn her life around” by seeing yourself differently through the mirror first and then committing to connecting it to a transformed confidence mindset that changes your life.
How she embraced a journey self-love building process of honouring herself, her body and her unique contribution in her business - even though she thought it was going to be just about colors and clothes.
Why the most impactful way to build your image, confidence and leadership skills is to trust and invest in a defined, mentorship-driven process centred on healing misaligned mindsets instead of ad-hoc short-cuts and tips.
Key personal development elements you need to harness before you can build a business or lifestyle that is filled with purpose and joy.

- Take this lesson further! Take my FREE 3-part video WHY STYLE workshop that will change the way you think about getting dressed forever! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & REGISTER