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How To Never Run Out Of Courage To Show Up As A Leader confidence inspiration leadership professional image speaking Apr 27, 2024

It’s easy really: work, live, share, give, speak from your passion. Easier said than done,...

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Confidence Advice For Everyone Reading This aboutmichele authorlife bookjourney change+transition confidence inspiration on my mind & heart resilience showupconfident Feb 28, 2024
Today, 22 years ago, my world shook and then emptied like the last sands falling through a turn...
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I'm In A Magazine! | Porsche Drive Defines Her as seen on featured in inspiration news+media Feb 02, 2024

That time, I was in the Porsche Canada magazine. 

This issue arrived a few days ago,...

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Make A Mid-Year Confidence Turn-around bestseller change+transition confidence inspiration journalling mindset Jun 20, 2022

Happy Solstice today as we mark the halfway mark of our planet’s trip around the sun this...

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Design Your Beautiful Life Starting Now aboutmichele change+transition confidence inspiration joinme mayconfidencebloom May 28, 2022

I've done some version of my #mayconfidencebloom self-discovery series for the last few years....

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4 Ways To Uplift Your Confidence Now change+transition inspiration joinme journalling mayconfidencebloom women Apr 29, 2022
We all need a reset button - for confidence, in our closets, and sometimes for both at the same...
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Women Change The World With Their Confidence [Podcast] confidence hue and style philosophy inspiration mindset quotes resilience women Mar 10, 2022

It's been a while since I met you all on the 'cast. It simply took some inspiration about the...
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Creating A Dream Life: A 2021 Reflection 2021reflection confidence inspiration life coach magic confidence Dec 31, 2021

My husband has repeatedly told me to stop calling myself an image consultant. He demands, "You're...

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