The Surprising Essentials For A Better Professional Wardrobe
Oct 27, 2019
Picture it, Ladies. It's the first day of your new job after getting the promotion. You whisk into your closet and effortlessly pull out a fuchsia wrap top and hang it on your dressing hook. You choose navy wide-leg pants, and finally, you choose a dramatic turquoise stone necklace to add the perfect contrast.
You chose it all in 5 minutes.
As you leave the house in the cool-toned taupe trench coat, you know exactly the message you are going to send, with color and clothing, to the clients waiting for you at the pitch meeting.
This dream closet vision is, what I call, image-confidence. It's the ability to create the right expression for self, and impression to others, for any situation that makes you visible instantly to your audience. It's captivating, gets people's attention and helps you make a deeper, wider impact.
People connect with those they see as relatable, approachable and trustworthy. Studies now show, the first impression of these qualities is built in a tenth of a second. (Yes, you read that right.) Investing in and developing your image-confidence is more necessary than ever. The early stages of creating it have very little to do with buying what you think is the "right blouse". Here's why:
Image-confidence develops after defining and practicing these 3 essentials:
You have a set of values that guides how you operate at your best. Identify the one that is non-negotiable and linked to your idea of fulfillment in your work.
Know that there is a way to express that one key trait in your wardrobe through image strategy using expert color psychology and style messaging for every garment and accessory you put on your body. Can you name an item in your closet that you are certain communicates your trait?
Believe that it doesn't take a closet of hundreds of items to portray your expertise and best personal brand through your image. When chosen strategically, you can do with less than ten items in your wardrobe. How many do you have in your wardrobe that you wear intentionally and love? (It's what I teach my clients every day).
That's how you get a dream closet that creates maximum visibility for your goals. Which of the three S's - self-discovery, strategy, structure - do you have working in your image right now?
If you know you need to begin maximizing how you portray yourself to match the impact you're on your way to making, click here!