Show Up Confident: A #1 Best Seller (But I See Something More Valuable)

authorlife bestseller bookjourney confidence purpose showupconfident success Oct 26, 2020

You see a #1 Best Seller. I see something more valuable: all the pay-checks of the heart behind the metric.


Early on in my entrepreneurial career, my first mentor, Fern, taught me about "pay-checks of the heart." They are things you can't put a price on. They are wins that happen inside, far from the eyes of the world.⁣⁣⁣⁣

Offering my book to the world this week brought me SO MANY pay-checks of the heart. And so yes, the book hit #1 Best Seller, but beyond that, swipe to see what filled me up. Top among them:⁣

  • Gifting the book to my mom and daughter.⁣⁣
  • Conversations and personal DMs with my Cheerleaders.⁣⁣
  • Celebrations with Champions.⁣⁣⁣
  • Comments from strangers that it's already changed a life.⁣⁣
  • Receiving unwavering support from a close circle community of women committed to spreading the gift of confidence to their sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, friends and family with my book.⁣⁣
  • One of my favourite music artists, TepNo, buying my book after I let him know his music helped keep my creative process flow to write it.⁣⁣
  • Hugs [COVID be damned] of pride, love and congratulations from the Hubbs, V, T and H, and virtual banner waving from L & K. You all rode the wave with me. (I can't thank you enough).

And there are so many more.⁣⁣ Over exactly 7 months from outline to release, I kept track of them. Even in between these major ones were micro blessings - so many and too many to count.

My heart is so full it's leaking out of my eyes, but quoting myself, "in tears there's truth," and the truth is, one more part of what I was put here to do is done. ⁣⁣

And that's the biggest pay-check of the heart of all.⁣

People have asked me what's next. I tell them, "I continue" I have women starting and continuing in their mentorship with me this week. I have corporate workshops to prep and lead next week and more opportunities to spread a message that's not just what I do for a living but who I am down to my DNA.

Thank you for being with me and for all of your support.

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