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Change Your Image.

Change Your Confidence.

Claim Your Next Level of Success.

with Michele Charles Gustafson

You’re a rising entrepreneur,  an excellence-driven professional, or a heart-centered community influencer.

You are a purpose-driven woman...

… and the success of delivering your grand expertise + ambition depends on your ability to have your ideal audience take notice of you instantly.

They need to see you as a confident, authentic woman who leaves her own self-doubt behind and leads others to their successes, goals and new confidence with their offerings and ideas ... you need image presence.

It’s the kind of presence that starts at your first-impression and makes you relatable and approachable. It’s powerfully strategic dressing because the style, color, and expression are all aligned with your true self - and it shows. It’s the kind of vibe that makes others believe in you because they see you believe in yourself. And it magnetically attracts exactly the right people into your collaborations, teams, client lists and communities, when you get it right.

Without image presence, you fade into the background and into the sea of your competition.

I can help.

Most “style advice” out there just doesn’t properly serve women. It’s too short-sighted. It's too generic. It’s impersonal, incomplete and causes more frustration in women than solutions.

The mainstream style advice encourages women to look outside themselves for answers in “style tips and tricks”, to piece together fashionable looks of the season, to do a closet sort/purge without direction or to focus on “styling a brand photo shoot” in isolation without addressing how to create image presence aligned to a personal brand - consistently on a day-to-day basis - in every outfit they create.

This outdated & limited kind of advice is fine for growing an ever-expanding closet of trendy fashion items, for racking-up the credit card every season trying to get your style right; or the opposite, it paralyzes you from being able to make smart wardrobe choices that last far past putting up a pretty website to showcase a static photo-shoot-awesome image, but it totally backfires when you try to build a strategic personally-branded image that acts like a commercial for you day-to-day. Built that old way, you never create a total image that sells your values, expertise, and confidence in a 3-second first impression whether you are in the grocery store, picking up the kids from school or commanding a high-pressure professional meeting.

Hue and Style® is different.

I teach my clients to use traditional packaged goods marketing strategy (that continues to work for today’s top-selling brands) to create a true personal brand and combine that with image consulting know-how skills to build a total image, a personal brand marketing strategy, a magnetic dressing style, an infinitely practical wardrobe that gets you noticed, remembered and considered for more opportunities that bring you success at every point in your lifestyle - AND THEN I give you the mindset support to find new self-acceptance, that is the seed for extraordinary confidence transformations that become tangible achievements in your business, career, relationships; all by getting dressed well - with the psychology of color and values-filled style - every single day.

My battle cry is…


because when you get it exactly right you,

change your image,
change your confidence, and
claim your next level of success.

Discover My Podcast

Season 1 helps you make the connection between your image, mindset and confidence.

I share lessons, stories, and personal musings from my life as an entrepreneur, wife and mom aimed at helping you to “see yourself differently” so you can to live a life filled with more intention, joy and success.