I am...

an artist, mentor, creator, entrepeneur, author, mother, and recovering perfectionist.
I enjoy travel, food, coffee, pilates, salsa-dancing and space to be inspired.

I am Michele Charles Gustafson.

I activate CONFIDENCE.

As as an award-winning international Certified Image Consultant and Certified Master Life Coach, I use my one-of-a-kind mix of expertise in strategic marketing, image consulting, life coaching with my own journey through depression to help my roster of local and international clients connect how they see themselves in the mirror, to a new confidence mindset that transforms their relationships, careers, businesses, families and communities.


I prepare my clients for SUCCESS. 

I share that nothing new happens without fresh confidence and that how you see yourself in the mirror either fuels or stalls your self-esteem, business, career, and relationship goals. After working with thousands of women and almost 30 years of success combining self-development clarity, personal branding strategies, image consulting concepts, and success mindset techniques, my highest aim is to help individuals activate their greatest potential, make their mark, and live a blissful, purpose-filled life. They come to learn that it really does all start each day when you look in the mirror and decide why and how you are showing up!

Above all, I believe in individuality & freedom.

I know that every person needs personalized discovery along with learning a new practical solution to make change that stick. Over the thousands I have coached and mentored, on and off-line, locally and globally, my clients  have learned to make themselves a priority and the tools to have others take notice!

All of them have done these from my tailored way of learning, discovery and support that has started to change their lives in as little as 24 hours of beginning their mentorship experience with me. These are the only kind of results I am interested in getting for my clients - swift, real, deep and lasting.

I use my journey to change others...

I spent more than 15 years, using my Commerce (Honors) Degree in Marketing Strategy from the top university in Canada (Queen's University), as an award-winning, multi 6-figure direct sales company unit sales leader and business coach in the top 1% of the company receiving national recognition, cars, travel and over 8-carats in reward diamonds. 

Despite all that achievement I suffered my own bout of depression linked to the definition of my self being tied to my role and outer validation of my business success.   When I became a mother, my role changed and so did everything - my body, my business, my priorities - and I couldn’t get them to match up and balance. I fell into a deep sadness, toxic behaviors, draining relationships and a crippling mental health “fog” that threatened the happiness of every part of my life.

I punished myself with fad diets, flogging exercise to try to regain my body hoping it would renew the confidence in who I thought I was supposed to be when what I needed to find was new definition of success crafted from deep purpose.

I turned to my first love - color. I began to wear it and designed my Hue and Style® color analysis around science and psychology. That discovery led to a spark of new self-acceptance. I dove in learning more about every corner of myself, including my values, my body, my own self-expression and to see myself in the mirror for the woman I was becoming - full of new possibilities and purpose. 

I dropped the comparison with others, found my own voice, redefined my powerfully connected personal brand and dressed as 'Her' - the new Michele.

After I made my own transformation, I switched my focus from a top-achiever marketing products to a  breakthrough-deliverer changing hearts and marketing people - packaging their personal brand images + coaching them to master the image-confidence-success connection with the process I used on myself. Hue and Style® was born.

Now, I smile and say "I'm secretly a Wizard."

I've transformed countless souls to heal, blossom, grow and step into their power.  My mentees call me a "Wizard" sometimes and I own it.  I have a superpower, you see, it's to see the limitless potential in others, draw it to the surface to be used to power the good works you're meant to do in the world, and then help you show up looking and being your best for it.


I am focused on Transformation

I only believe in permanent change...

I don't believe a quick, generic fix can solve your style, confidence, lifestyle or visibility problems.  They don't work and leave you deflated. "Band-aid" tips only give you a temporary feeling of a fix.  It's a major reason why you don't see "tips and tricks" blogs from me.

I want you to heal fully, deeply, permanently from any transition that has thrown you and prepare you to show up for your next success. I want you to have the tools to do it over and over for the rest of your life.

That starts with committing to yourself, your reason for being here and your reason for using every gift and talent you are blessed to have.

Confidence is not a one time fix but with tools and a process to always evolve your self-worth and honor it every day you get dressed, you can have permanent way to transform it when ever you need to - sky-rocketing your success.

This is what I do. This is what Hue And Style® does for the individual ready to embrace the evolution.