What Defines You, Drives You | Porsche Feature [INTERVIEW]

aboutmichele as seen on authorlife collaborations confidence featured in getupanddressed hue and style philosophy news+media Sep 12, 2022

Renew what defines you, and you’ll energize what drives you; only then can you truly prepare your heart, mind, and confidence to show up and be seen as your most authentically powerful self. ~ 𝕄ℂ𝔾 

Define what drives you.  

Eager, ready and excited for your own transformations? Explore the most liberating image, confidence and success journey and apply to work with me or explore having me speak to your group, organization, company or coaching group.


I am grateful & humbled...

Many thanks to Porsche Centre Saskatchewan for honoring me with this opportunity to share what drives me while I parked my own Cayenne GTS and celebrated my life's work with a day in this Taycan 4S. My clients have always shared how liberating it is "to be seen" as their most authentic, purposeful and powerful.  With this feature, I certainly felt precisely what they mean. Thank you to the team at PCS for "seeing" me! (SEE THE FEATURE ON PORSCHE CANADA WEBSITE)