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Join me at The Honest Summit, a 1-Day virtual business conference for heart-centered women...
Michele joins host, Tara Patten on "The Power of Fashion" Podcast.
Tara shares,...
When magazine creator and local Lloydminster champion, Kimberly Steier, asked me to be her cover...
From Victoria of Stress Less Ladies:
Ever struggle with your confidence in an area of your life?...
You can use your words as powerful communicators to offer kindness and compassion to those...
When the strength of a choice meets the power of your voice, you have the ability to change the...
On the edge of a new year, I shared with Kelsey on Your Morning about how to remove the...
Jess, Founder of Pilates On Demand, asked me to join her Above the Barre series on Instagram to...
I shared the importance of leaving comfy pants behind no matter what the uncertainty and...
I didn't get what I expected at the Gem Conference.
I thought I was going to talk about how a...