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Show Up (Customer Service) Confident | Workshop customer service training entrepreneurship professional image showupconfident speaking workshops Jan 30, 2023

Business owners (with teams)! I know this about you:

You want your team to be memorable. I know...

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Undo Your New Year Resolutions For Good | NEWSTALK 1010 as seen on confidence featured in life coach news+media newyearintentions newyearresolutions radiointerviews Jan 04, 2023


Did you know that 80% of people ditch them...

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3 Phases Of A Confidence Renewal change+transition confidence joinme life coach mindset newyearintentions newyearresolutions showupconfident Dec 29, 2022

Yes. This blog's thumbnail is an AI-created version of me. It seemed fitting for a post about...

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2023 Pantone Color of The Year: Viva Magenta | Hue And Style color fashion hue and style philosophy style Dec 02, 2022
Pantone, the color authority, has released their Color Of The Year 2023, and it's an energetic,...
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