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Make A Mid-Year Confidence Turn-around bestseller change+transition confidence inspiration journalling mindset Jun 20, 2022

Happy Solstice today as we mark the halfway mark of our planet’s trip around the sun this...

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What It Means To Be "Seen" aboutmichele as seen on bestseller news+media Jun 15, 2022

When you have clear confidence in your purpose, you can go years and years without seeking...

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Design Your Beautiful Life Starting Now aboutmichele change+transition confidence inspiration joinme mayconfidencebloom May 28, 2022

I've done some version of my #mayconfidencebloom self-discovery series for the last few years....

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4 Ways To Uplift Your Confidence Now change+transition inspiration joinme journalling mayconfidencebloom women Apr 29, 2022
We all need a reset button - for confidence, in our closets, and sometimes for both at the same...
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Be Your Own Prism. change+transition hue and style philosophy selflove Apr 12, 2022

Evolving always feels weird. 

In the past couple of years, we've all shifted what we knew to...

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Your First Impression & The Science Behind It firstimpressions image professional image Apr 07, 2022

You might think the shirt you put on this morning is just a shirt. But oh, no. Let me tell you!...

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Spring Clean Your (Heart) Space change+transition life coach life+style Apr 05, 2022
With the first burst of energy I’ve had after being ill, I took on the spring cleaning of...
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Prairie Author Interview Feature | Lloydminster authorlife featured in news+media showupconfident Apr 02, 2022
Thank you to Coles (Lloyd Mall) for including me in their feature amongst other local...
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The Best Way To Achieve Body Love body image confidence personalgrowth selflove Mar 31, 2022

It's that time of year again, spring, which means summer is just around the corner! What do you...

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